Unlocking Your Natural Success Channel #3

Self-Image: re-painting your subconscious reaction to YOU

The next key to tapping into this Success Channel is your self-image.  Your limiting beliefs about your entire life are locked away in your subconscious, collected and tied up in a little box called your self-image.

Your self-image influences your confidence, self-esteem, even your ability to get up in the morning.  It is very powerful.  But how was it created, where did the image come from, who put it there, and can it be changed, are all excellent questions!

Your self-image is, simply, the way you, your mind, your subconscious and your experiences, and therefore your beliefs, define the YOU that you see in the mirror.  You were not born believing life is hard, or that only pretty girls get married, or that good things only happen to other people, you learned these beliefs from others, and your subconscious sought out proof in your everyday experiences to prove it right.  Your self-image and belief system has been developed over time with the help of the words of wisdom, words of advice, or criticism, strong words or opinions, and examples from the people in your life that you hold in authority, and other experiences you have held as truth, because of a variety of reasons.

Your self-image exists, and impacts your everyday life.  Good or bad, your self-image and belief system determines:

  • what you can or cannot accomplish
  • what is difficult or what is easy
  • how others respond to or treat you
  • what level of success you are able to achieve
  • what type of mate you deserve and attract to you
  • what type of people – friends, associates and even neighbors that are drawn to you
  • the type of lifestyle and experiences you will have
  • and the limit to what you can earn

All these things are determined by your self-image and the “truths” other people have told you.  Some truths you may believe about yourself or your life’s opportunities might be:

  • I didn’t do well in math in school, so I’ll never do well in a job that requires me to use numbers
  • I’m not popular enough to be nominated for that position
  • I am not very attractive because I have my uncle Henry’s nose
  • I am a trouble-maker
  • I don’t fit in with the popular crowd
  • I am not pretty, so I better be smart
  • I’m not smart, so I better be pretty
  • I am a tomboy, so I’ll never find a mate
  • It is very scary and difficult to run a business, and I will never be able to handle it, I should stay in my corporate job
  • I’ll never make any money in a business of my own, I should find a REAL job
  • All the good men are all taken
  • I didn’t have a good parenting role model growing up, so I will make a bad parent
  • Everyone is struggling – why should I be any different?

Do some of these statements sound familiar?  Know this… they are only true if you believe they are true for you.  That is it.  It may sound crazy, but all of those statements are simply beliefs you have, and not based on fact. You have to retrain your mind to believe differently.  By using the Natural Success Channel intentionally, these “truths” and “belief systems” can be modified, if you know how! And THAT is what I want to help you do!

Now that you know that the majority of your image of yourself was put there by others, if it is not to your liking, and does not serve you, I can teach you how to change that image.  Self-images come in all varieties – Strong and positive, Strong and negative, weak and non-descript, or any combination, or variation you can imagine.  The great thing is that you can choose to keep what works, and change or replace things that no longer serve you and your life-vision.

Since your self-image is rooted in your subconscious, it takes some powerful tools to do the pruning and weeding, and then some effort to maintain the new state.

Much research has been devoted to the science of “Autosuggestion” or Neuro-linguistics.  Sounds complicated, but really it is just another way of saying self-talk.  You see, autosuggestion, is your subconscious mind repeating, building upon and embedding the thoughts and beliefs you predominantly focus on.  For example, if you have doubt and disbelief that you will be able to do a job, the principle of autosuggestion will take this predominant belief (“that you will not be able to the job”) and set it up in your subconscious mind as your dominating thought and slowly but surely it will be “proven” in your experience as failure to do the job.  Remember, your subconscious seeks proof of the self-image, so as long as your dominant thoughts, feelings and beliefs are of failure, your subconscious will influence your behavior, actions and words to prove it as truth.

Using this principle to your advantage

If the subconscious mind uses your dominant thoughts and beliefs to influence your actions, behaviors and words to prove your thoughts right, what if you flooded your mind with the belief that you CAN do the job, and thought only of how you will feel when the job is done right and you shine like a star when you do?  Do you think that will change the outcome?  When it all works together, and you keep in mind your intent of doing the job right, yes, the outcome will be changed.  This is way more than just thinking positively.  This is really reprogramming those negative, ill-serving messages, voices and beliefs in your head.  Simply thinking positive thoughts, while still believing in your core the negative opposite, will have absolutely no impact, except for the fact that you will be further disappointed and frustrated in the lack of change.

So how do you do it?  Repetition and a willingness to let go of those ideas that do not support your vision.  This can get to be a little difficult if you have to force your mind to hold the thoughts consciously.  But here is the cool part.  Your subconscious mind is the key.  By changing your subconscious mind, instead of just trying to convince your conscious mind, your success can be accomplished in a fraction of the time.  Most programs try to focus on changing your conscious mind, repeating affirmations with your conscious mind, reading affirmations, and looking at images and vision boards. I want to share a tool with you that will go so much farther than that.  I am going to share one of my most powerful tools that I use with my coaching clients.  Affirmations that are subliminal, mixed with brain entrainment tones and sounds that change your brainwave activity for your subconscious mind to better accept the affirmations.  That coupled with the exact same audible affirmations recorded from first and third person positions, also mixed with the entrainment tones, then including a barrage of affirmations that confuse the conscious mind and speak directly to the subconscious mind.  These tools supercharge the concept of affirmations, and they are yours free right here

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Download your Affirmations and powerful secrets and techniques today!

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These affirmations retrain your subconscious, not only with powerful statements from the first person (you – “I am happy and confident”) and third person (others – “You are beautiful and strong”) positions, but with powerful binaural beats which take your brain right into the Alpha and Gamma wave state to better accept, and change your state of mind, without a hypnotic state.  You can easily use these as you drive, work, shop, cook, etc.  This package contains 2 30 minute recordings and a pdf:

  1. Subliminal – Audible tones, nature sounds and tones, with inaudible brain entrainment tones and afirmations, directed right at your subconscious – must be used with headphones.
  2. Audible – The same affirmations, only audible over the entrainment tones, nature sounds to ensure conscious and subconscious alignment of truth – must be used with headphones.
  3. A pdf of secret tips and tricks to get the most out of your affirmations. This set of instructions and tips is worth any price, so pay close attention and use these instructions to supercharge your use of affirmations.  Plus a list of the same affirmations as in the audios so you can see them, print them, repeat them or read them to further create truth.

I recommend you start with the pdf.  Read and review all the instructions and tips for the affirmations, read them aloud and feel how your body responds to the statements, and consciously accept these affirmations as truth.  Allow yourself to believe they are true, or that you want them to be true.  Do not at any time contradict these affirmations, smirk or otherwise disbelieve them. Then find a quiet place where you can be undisturbed, close your eyes and listen to the audible affirmations.  Accept them as truth and feel the gratitude when you hear them. You can also listen to them as you drive, shop, cook, etc. But try to make time at least once a day to sit alone with eyes closed, as described.   Finally, listen to the subliminal recording as you fall asleep, as you meditate, as background while you work, workout, cook, etc.  These are not hypnosis audios, so you can feel free to work and drive.

Once you start working with these affirmations, you can make your own, or at least write out your own that speak directly to your vision and goals.

I hope you enjoy this free package.  Let me know what you think below.

The next article in this series is Understanding how to USE your Natural Success Channel and how to stop living your life in default mode.

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