Unlocking your Natural Success Channel #4

beautifulbluelightUnderstanding your Natural Success Channel

Once you have identified what has come into your life experience through your success channel, and how it got there, you will be better able to recognize when you have a free flowing channel and when you have a channel filled with unpleasant, negative or unwanted things.  Let me remind you and build on an analogy from our second article –

Water is going to flow downhill, that is the law of nature (and gravity).  You can either allow it flow, without control or device, over you and your lovely planned flower garden – feeling an unwitting victim of the circumstances, or you can decide to focus your attention on controlling the flow, diverting, allowing, and encouraging the water you want to follow a new path – one of your intentional choosing, that perhaps feeds your garden and benefits your life.

You ask, what is this channel?  The channel is not water, it is the flow of energy that passes through you, and every other living and non-living thing on this planet. Understanding our science lessons, we can remember that atoms vibrate and orbit and move. The smallest particle in this universe, that is the smallest building block that makes up everything else, is energy. When a patient’s heart is stopped, how do we start it?  Electrical energy – it recharges our internal electrical systems.  When we move in dry areas and touch our fingers to someone or something, our bodies collect up and release electrical static and we get a shock of electric energy and we can do it on purpose.  Only a very small portion of all energy is electric, but for this example, it is one form of energy that we have seen and understand at a basic level. Energy, is invisible, and it makes up everything in our experience.  Thoughts are energy – emotions are energy – words are energy – actions are energy – and of course the people who think them, feel them, say them and do them are energy.

Now before I lose those of you who think this is somehow anti-religion, wait.  Because, isn’t it written that GOD’s energy is in and around all things and everyone and holds all things together?  So some people will call that by different names, but one thing that is the same – it is the energy of the Source of all creation – the Creator.  So, this is not some crazy new-fangled, new-agey thing that “the kids are doing these days,” this is real spiritual stuff.  So, from here out, you can apply whatever terms you prefer, or interpret what I am saying in the perspective of your belief system – that is how it should be.  I only what to provide the basics of using this process, so that ALL may use it to their highest good.

As mentioned before, the energy flows through us, around us, and it moves people, situations, circumstances and events everyday, without our involvement.  So why should we bother to intervene?  Because it is our birthright.  The ability to do this, for the benefit of our higher good, is what our Creator intended.  You can read it throughout all the texts.  Conversely and fortunately, no where does it say that using this power for ill intent is our birthright AND, in fact, it cannot be used in that way.  The energy is loving, and you cannot use it to hurt another, or cause circumstances that are not for the greater good of others.  That is also how it should be.

You may have heard this concept, but energy is attracted to similar energy.  (More water imagery)
Have you seen a few drops of water that are very near each other?  They are attracted to each other and become a larger drop.  This is a similar concept to “The Law of Attraction” one of the more powerful Laws of the Universe.  More on this in a minute.

The first step inImage result for energy attracts energy understanding your own success channel is to recognize what is flowing through it now, today, and how all that happened to get into your channel.  So let me make another clarification to the analogy quoted above, the water that was flowing over you and your flowers came to be flowing that way, because of thoughts, focus, words, actions or beliefs YOU set into motion.  Yes, you were flooding yourself out.  “Well how could I have been causing that if I didn’t even know it
was something I could do?”  Exactly.  Thus I am writing this article, but more importantly, that is why you are here, reading this article! The Law of Attraction in motion.

So, I want you to take a look at your life – your financial situation, your relationship situations (primary love, friendships, family, friends, co-workers, social circle), your health, and that status of your wildest dreams.  If you are looking at debt, or struggling to make ends meet, or have health problems, or abusive or lack-luster relationships, somehow, you have called these circumstances to yourself.  No, not on purpose, but through the lack of understanding how NOT to call those things to you, you called them and more into your experience.

Let’s use finances as our example. Just like the drops of water mentioned earlier, your thoughts, beliefs, words and focus on a particular “frequency” like, “I don’t have enough money,” or “I can’t pay my bills and will lose the house,” or “where can I find more money to make ends meet?”  If energy attracts like energy, what will you get more of?  More ‘not having enough money’ more ‘not being able to pay the bills,’ more ways you could ‘lose the house’ etc.  This is the way, as adults, we have come to think about our world. How do you break the cycle when you still need
money?  It can often be as simple as recognizing your language and dominant thoughts, and shifting gears immediately.  I am not suggesting that you PRETEND you have money, and go about spending what
you don’t have.  That would be foolish, AND most likely against your moral compass.  For example, when fretting about not having enough money to pay the bills, immediately stop fretting (it won’t help, but sure will hurt your efforts to break the habit), and find a thought that fills your heart with Image result for Peter pan Happy thoughtshappiness, and imagine your finances around that happy thought. Go ahead and pay the bills you CAN afford, while holding this happiness in your mind.  For example, if your happy thought is your new baby, grandbaby, spouse, etc., imagine showering that person with gifts, or visiting whenever you want, or some other thing that might require money, that you have in that thought.  DO NOT doubt your thought, contradict your thought, rationalize or otherwise dismiss that thought.  You are affecting a change in your energy frequency, from lack of money to a joyful thought around money.  If you can’t convince yourself to include the money aspect of the thought, then simply the happy thought will still change your frequency.  Whenever you find yourself feeling badly about finances (or relationships, health, or future dreams), immediately change your thoughts to something that makes you happy.  Soon, you will stop attracting more debt, or lack, because your frequency will be higher and you will begin to feel a little stronger about your money situation.  Perhaps you can incorporate happy thoughts about money, as you begin to feel better in your circumstances.

If you have succeeded in the exercise above, you have tapped into your Natural Success Channel.  What is now flowing into your channel is more happy thoughts, more opportunities to be happy, and recognize happy.  You have cleared out some of the rotting logs and branches of fear, doubt and worry about money.  You are beginning to charge your entire channel with happy energy, and what do you think you will begin to attract? More opportunities to feel happy, more happy memories, ideas, people, events or actions to make you happy.

So, in summary, you are the one who is in charge of what is flowing through your success channel, whether you know it, mean it, believe it or not.  Once you recognize how you are attracting what you are allowing through your channel, you can begin to change it.  The most powerful way to make these changes is by focusing on thoughts and feelings of ANY higher level emotion (Love, gratitude, happiness, joy, excitement, passion, even peace and freedom), instead of the lower level feelings, thoughts and emotions (Fear, hate, anger, frustration, depression, lack, need, worry, jealousy, aggression, even loneliness and guilt).

This is a great undertaking, one that may take some work. But it is totally worth the effort you put in, as it will change your life.  You will become an INTENTIONAL CREATOR of your own life, choosing your path and the experience you want along the way.  “God helps those that help themselves” means that when you can get out of the “wallowing” you will be rewarded with greater joy!

If you find you need some help along the way, you can request a breakthrough session with me, at not cost, to see what you think about the powerful coaching experience and how it can support you in your efforts to reach your dreams.  Let me provide you with powerful coaching, support and help you move forward in your path.  From there, you decide if you want more.  Just one more way you are intentionally creating your future.

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