How Companies Identify Candidates For Promotion – PART 2

This is the second article of our 2 part series of How Companies Identify Their Candidates for Promotion.  As mentioned in Part 1 (you can read Part 1 here), Managers don’t just pass out promotions, they are held accountable to justify why a candidate is ready to move up.  It is to your benefit to […]

Lead so that others succeed more than they thought they could

As a leader, it feels pretty amazing to achieve a goal or succeed at a task.  But, it is inspiring, empowering, soul-satisfying, and gratifying to help others find their path, and figure out what their own road to success looks like.  You may want to tell them, do it for them, or even prevent them […]

The one degree shift

Have you ever heard of the One Degree Shift? No, I’m not talking about the Polar Shift, or even global warming.  I am speaking of making changes in your life.  According to Tony Robbins, “One degree or one millimeter … of perception change or angle change, means the difference between success and failure, moving on […]