How Companies Identify Candidates For Promotion – PART 2

This is the second article of our 2 part series of How Companies Identify Their Candidates for Promotion.  As mentioned in Part 1 (you can read Part 1 here), Managers don’t just pass out promotions, they are held accountable to justify why a candidate is ready to move up.  It is to your benefit to […]

How Companies Identify Candidates for Promotion – PART 1

I spent years in “Big Corporate,” working hard, getting in front of the right people, learning how to be visible, and once I figured out the “Secret Sauce,” I was able to grow my career substantially.  But it wasn’t until I was sitting in the meetings where who was promoted and who was passed over […]

Learn to Boss Like a Girl

I was recently asked, “What is the difference in being seen a strong woman leader and being seen as a Bitch?”  It was a heartfelt question.  And sadly, a common quandary.  Too often, as women, we feel when we are being firm, confident, authoritative, or bold, we are being perceived as that “b” word, yet […]