A Powerful, Yet Simple and Free Tool to Release Fear and Anxiety

Happy Hormones – What they are and how they work When you focus on the positive outcomes for any given situation (i.e., an upcoming speech, an employment opportunity, a game-changing conversation), the delicious “feel good” neurotransmitters such as dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin are released and flood your brain. These wonderful natural brain chemicals make you […]

Everything is true to the person who believes it

Let me say it again… Everything is true to the person who believes it. Because your unconscious mind filters IN whatever evidence you need in order to be “right” about what you believe… It also filters OUT anything that contradicts, does not support or is not congruent with the belief. Think about that. Your unconscious […]

How Companies Identify Candidates For Promotion – PART 2

This is the second article of our 2 part series of How Companies Identify Their Candidates for Promotion.  As mentioned in Part 1 (you can read Part 1 here), Managers don’t just pass out promotions, they are held accountable to justify why a candidate is ready to move up.  It is to your benefit to […]

You can achieve what you put your mind to

We all have those little voices in our heads that tell us we can’t: You’re not smart enough You don’t have a degree No one will trust you to lead You don’t have any experience, why should we listen to you? Recognize any?  Trust me when I say, to be a good leader, you don’t […]

Learn to Boss Like a Girl

I was recently asked, “What is the difference in being seen a strong woman leader and being seen as a Bitch?”  It was a heartfelt question.  And sadly, a common quandary.  Too often, as women, we feel when we are being firm, confident, authoritative, or bold, we are being perceived as that “b” word, yet […]

Change Your Thoughts and Change the World

What we think we become ~ Buddha Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. ~ Carl Jung If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it. ~ William Arthur Ward Inspiring […]