6 Mind Hacks To Use Everyday

Hack Your Mind For Success!

Some of the most successful and powerful people in the world today, include some type of positivity, self-talk, meditation, or affirmations in their daily success habits.  Feeding their minds with lots of healthy, happy, wealthy, successful food for thought is the easiest and most powerful way to get exactly what you want!


Simply repeating words doesn’t get you anywhere.  Your mind is always wanting to present you with things  similar to the things that you focus on.  It works to seek out experiences, people, opportunities and things that fulfill your predominant thoughts.

Think about that for a moment.  Your mind seeks to fulfill what  you think about most.

What are  your predominant thoughts?  Think about yesterday, for example.  What was on your mind, and when you stepped away from your desk, and sat down for lunch, what were your predominant thoughts?  Also, when you were thinking these predominant thoughts, were you “Feeling” in a specific way?  A Strong emotion?  Emotions make your thoughts stronger, and engage your subconscious mind.  So I ask again, what were your thoughts and feelings about yesterday?

If you were your brain/mind/subconscious, what would you serve up today to satisfy MORE of yesterdays focus?

OK, That was scary, right?

Now, if  you chose to spend some focused time, feeding your mind with thoughts, feelings and images of what you DO want, do you think you would see more of that?  Yes, it works that way, everyday!

Why It Works

Have  you ever bought a new car, and then suddenly you see that type of car everywhere you go?  Or thought fondly of an experience with an old friend, and suddenly you hear from them?  It isn’t coincidence, it is your mind, doing what it does.  In cognitive neural brain science, they describe this phenomenon as the need for the brain to seek congruity, pattern recognition and resonance.

So how do  you use this to your advantage!

Feed your mind the good stuff!

Utilize every empty, spare, and found moment you have, and think about exactly what you want.  Set a timer on your phone ever hour to spend 60 seconds focused solely on what you want you mind to find.  Send your mind on a mission to seek out proof of these 6 truths:

  1. I choose to be healthy, happy and successful
  2. I am amazing
  3. All things will work out for my best and highest good
  4. I can do anything that I focus my mind and emotions on
  5. I am prepared to succeed
  6. I believe I deserve all that I desire

But as I mentioned before, emotions make the thoughts stronger and embed them in the subconscious mind – so FEEL these statements.  Notice that I called these TRUTHS, not affirmations.  Technically one in the same, but I want you to realize that the 6 statements above, ARE Truths, they are true about everyone.  Absolutely anyone.  So why would they NOT be true for you?  No reason.  So know that these statements are true for you, and don’t contradict these statement throughout your day.

For more information on supercharging the use of statements like these, like affirmations, click here and get my free ebook, 5 Surprising Mistakes You Are Making That Kill The Impact Of Your Affirmations!


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