How to get Unstuck and Grow Your Business

Stuck Sucks!

Let’s just be honest.

We have all been there at one time or another, and it is not a place where we like to stay.  In fact, it is one place where you want to spend some effort getting away from as quickly as possible!

There are many ways we can be stuck.  You may find yourself:

  • Stuck in a rut – repeating unhelpful patterns, over and over, focusing on familiar, rather than innovative or effective tasks, routines, systems, or thought patterns.
  • Stuck in fear – afraid to take the next step in the process because we fear: judgement, failure, disappointment, the unknown, letting ourselves or others down, and yes, even the fear of success – the unknown implications of actually being successful.
  • Stuck in Overwhelm – when the amount, size, sheer volume of work/effort/time is too much to even think about.  The “thing” is to big to tackle, and therefore, cannot be tackled.
  • Stuck in Lack – Not enough resources to take the next step, like not enough money, time, knowledge, confidence, support, help, exposure, clients, partners to move forward.

Although I am sure there are many other ways to be STUCK, these are the ones I see most often with my clients.

Have you ever been so stuck that you felt like a brick wall was standing in your way of moving forward?  Have you ever felt like giving up because it was all too overwhelming?

What would it be like if you could click your heels together and become unstuck – Immediately?  What would it feel like to be able to look at the things that used to overwhelm you, things that used to keep you stuck from moving forward, and just move right past them with ease – EVERY TIME?

If you understand that those fears and the reactions to those ideas, steps and tasks are really just thoughts, then they would no longer have power over you – EVER.  What would that be like?  Because, as you know, once you have seen the truth, you can’t un-see it, you know the “Magic” behind television, so you don’t believe there are people living inside the box, right?

I want to teach you that Magic, the truth behind what stops you.

Although I don’t know the exact thing that has YOU stuck, we would need to have a chat for me to know that (You really should discover for yourself the power of knowing your exact blocks, the obstacles, fears and voices that keep you from dominating your success), but I can tell you that the very thing that is responsible for you BEING STUCK, is the very thing that can free you and open a world of possibilities!

Your subconscious mind.

And not in some mystic, unknown, psychological way.  Your subconscious mind, is doing it’s job, motivating, steering, diverting, and directing you, based on rules, beliefs, values and ideals that you may not even realize you have.

You see, your brain, and subconscious specifically, likes to automate things, it takes less energy, and frees up conscious thought for more important things.  As an example, you do not have an internal conflict about whether or not to touch a hot stove – this is a rule that is firmly in place in your belief/value/safety system that keeps you safe and your autonomic systems reacts and makes decisions without you having to think about it.

Unfortunately, this also works for things that no longer serve you, old fears, old beliefs and voices from people we respected.  Your subconscious mind holds on to these, until such time as they are disproved, or we take action to disprove them.

As you know, consciously you want to move forward, take on the next big thing, make a bigger impact, be seen as the expert or go-to-guru, while subconsciously you are bound by doubt, fear, and questions of worthiness.

“Who are you to think you know more about this topic than anyone else?”

“Who do you think you are, charging thousands of dollars for your time, you know that people can’t afford that!”

“If you are successful, you will change from being a good, humble, caring person, to a greedy, money-focused, arrogant, so-and-so!”

I want you to experience the pride, the excitement, the joy of growing into who you are meant to be!  I know you want to master your subconscious talk, and move confidently into your amazing place in the world.

Here is what I know.  You have the power to change all that.

Here are 3 actions you can take right now to shift your subconscious onto the same path as your conscious  mind:

Focus your awareness on the core belief that is stopping you.  You really don’t need to be completely aware of it’s origin, only that it exists.

    1. Use this filter:  Is this belief true? 
        • Yes?  Does it serve me?  Do I want to change it?  Would I be willing to change it now?  What is a more empowering belief I could use instead?
        • No?  Do I want to change it?  Would I be willing to change it now?  What is a truth I could use instead?
    1. Challenge the belief and think of as many reasons or facts that prove it is not valid FOR YOU.
    2. Create a powerful affirmation that evokes the new belief and use it in the following way:
      • Use image rich words in your affirmation
      • Associate powerful positive emotions with the images and descriptions in your affirmation.
      • Repeat this (these) affirmation(s) as often as possible, out loud, quietly, in your head, throughout the day.
      • Find proof throughout the day that the affirmation(s) is true.

Do this exercise to the point where you feel the block start to fade.

If you change your brain and take the actions that you once thought impossible, then you can truly accomplish your loftiest goals.

The more you know about how your brain works, and how you have the power to rewire it, the more control you have over the the obstacles that come into your path.

Knowledge is power.  I wonder if you realize that rewiring your brain is easy and fun, yet?  That you just need to know the processes to do it!  And how will you feel when you are facing those previously daunting obstacles, and they don’t even phase you?

I want this for you!  I want to discover with you the blocks that you struggle with, and I want for you to learn how you can be free of all these pesky doubts for good!  Click this link and pick a date on my calendar that works with  your schedule, so we can discuss your specifics, and get you on your path to success.  Take this action, without fear, doubt or hesitation, and you can experience the confidence of taking the first action toward your future, as if you never had a doubt or a fear in your path!

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