Resolutions are so 2020

This has been a year of challenges, loss, illness, sadness, anger, frustration, loneliness, not to mention a year of missed goals, lack of results, confusion and starting over.

No one wants to repeat any of that again, and we all want to start 2021 like a brand new shiny new day! 

So why are so many people reverting back to the “old” methods of achieving results, setting goals, changing their lives and future?  Resolutions are like hoping… REALLY, REALLY HARD!  You might even make progress, but the very process of resolutions is not a sustainable process. 

Reason 1

There a many reasons why resolutions don’t work, but the biggest one is that it is a big goal that relies on your sheer force of will to make it happen.  Some people have that mental fortitude… to block any ideas, thoughts, events, people, etc. out of their mind and focus solely on the result they have set.  Are you one of those people? 

Odds are, No.  Me either!

The brain is not designed to function like that. 

We take in 11 Million bits of information every SECOND!  But our conscious mind can only pay attention to, or notice or deal with 128 bits.  Not 128 thousand, just 128 bits… every second.  So, how much of that minimal processing capacity are you using up “willing” yourself to do the work it takes to achieve the result you set in your resolution.

Reason 2

Another reason resolutions don’t work is because they are written badly… vague, poorly formed, too high-level to actually take specific action.  For example, “Lose Weight in 2021” or even “Get Healthy…” or “Drop 15 lbs…” “Make more money…”  “Get that promotion…”  And even if you are a master at goal setting and you write them SMART, the specific steps must be planned, executed, and managed like a project in order to achieve the desired results. That is like a JOB in itself!

What is that you asked,

“What other way is there to set and achieve goals?”  Oh, I am so glad you asked!

You see, achieving the big things in life, like health, desired weight, financial growth, relationship bliss, is not a “Think about it in January and you are done” kind of process.  To really achieve the results you desire, it takes some INNER work, not as much OUTER work.  Yes there are action steps, but the real work is the initial “Programming” if you will.

Think about it.  You want to make more money, yet, you have an underlying belief that “people with a lot of money are dishonest,  or untrustworthy, or stingy, or greedy, or have slept their way to the top.”  If you have a deep belief similar to these, what would you have to become in order to make more money?  Exactly.  So, your unconscious mind keeps you safe from being what you despise, and keeps you from that evil thing – Money.

So resolve all you want about getting that raise, promotion, or growing your business… in the battle of what you want between your conscious and unconscious mind – the Unconscious mind wins — EVERY TIME.  The Unconscious mind is always at work keeping you safe – according the beliefs, rules and old programming you have set for yourself.

So, that is why the process of achieving your goals, or the results you really want is a little more complicated than just setting your intention, or dashing out some great sounding resolutions at 11:55pm on December 31. 

How it’s done

By doing the inner work, and don’t let the sound of that scare you, my clients do that inner work in a matter of a few intensive hours over 2 weeks, you can rewire the old programming and open the doors to empowering, life-changing opportunities and possibilities.  

Rewiring the old programming that says, “you can’t do that, because… (insert your specific garbage program here)” allows you to see what has been hidden, see what is possible, that was being kept from you by that old program.  When the old garbage is gone, imagine what could be put in its place!  It’s like getting rid of the old “Buggy” Operating system in your computer and upgrading it with one that will allow you to do everything faster, better and easier, as well as do things  you never thought possible!

Start 2021 with new programming (new empowering beliefs, unconscious goals set and locked in) that will not only allow you to achieve your massive results for 2021, but dream even bigger, imagine more powerfully and achieve 10X in 2022 and beyond!  No joke, This is the real deal. 

Schedule a call to stop the never ending process of not getting the results you really want, and find out how you can get EVERYTHING YOU WANT almost on Auto Pilot!

Visit and DITCH THE LIMITS and let’s get you on the path to your ultimate results.

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