You can achieve what you put your mind to

We all have those little voices in our heads that tell us we can’t:

  • You’re not smart enough
  • You don’t have a degree
  • No one will trust you to lead
  • You don’t have any experience, why should we listen to you?

Recognize any?  Trust me when I say, to be a good leader, you don’t need special degrees, great popularity, or be a genius.  In fact, leading simply takes confidence, a good plan, authenticity, and people that are willing to follow your guidance.  I have met plenty of leaders who have PhDs or a masters that are terrible leaders, others that have decades of experience in an area, yet cannot get others to follow them.  So, don’t let the details stop you.  If your goal is to grow your career, grow your influence, lead a project or lead a team, don’t give up.  Keep working on establishing your expertise, your reputation, your authenticity, and mostly, your confidence.  Those are the things that make great leaders.  Extraordinary perseverance changes ordinary talents into amazing feats.  I teach my clients how to break giant, seemingly impossible obstacles down, into defeatable challenges, until only the rubble is left, and the reward stands before them.

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