6 Mind Hacks To Use Everyday

Hack Your Mind For Success! Some of the most successful and powerful people in the world today, include some type of positivity, self-talk, meditation, or affirmations in their daily success habits.  Feeding their minds with lots of healthy, happy, wealthy, successful food for thought is the easiest and most powerful way to get exactly what […]

3 great questions that shift your energy and attitude

How do you get past feeling frustrated and overwhelmed about a challenging situation? I was attending a business retreat last weekend and I was sitting in a breakout session.  The leader was helping us to brainstorm solutions to specific situations.  When it was my turn, I described a recurring challenge that had me frustrated and […]

What is your reputation at work and is it keeping you from being promoted?

Reputations are built from repeated behaviors, actions or characteristics, and can sometimes leave room for interpretation, speculation or extrapolation.  For example, “Erin is so quiet.  She never speaks up in meetings, it’s like she isn’t sure of herself, or what we’re talking about;” “Maya? Isn’t she the X-Product girl?  I have only seen her working […]

How Companies Identify Candidates For Promotion – PART 2

This is the second article of our 2 part series of How Companies Identify Their Candidates for Promotion.  As mentioned in Part 1 (you can read Part 1 here), Managers don’t just pass out promotions, they are held accountable to justify why a candidate is ready to move up.  It is to your benefit to […]

How Companies Identify Candidates for Promotion – PART 1

I spent years in “Big Corporate,” working hard, getting in front of the right people, learning how to be visible, and once I figured out the “Secret Sauce,” I was able to grow my career substantially.  But it wasn’t until I was sitting in the meetings where who was promoted and who was passed over […]