2021 – Bring it on LIKE DONKEY KONG!

Happy New Year!

Well, we are one week into 2021.  How are you feeling? Do any of these feel true?

  1. 2021 – Bring it on LIKE DONKEY KONG! 
  2. 2021? I want my money back!
  3. Same Sh!t, different year!

For me, I am starting a little slow, waffling between #1 and #3 – some days I am all “in it to win it” other days I am justifying that 9:30 is a perfectly good time to get out of bed!  But mostly, I am focused on winning, because I have set my powerful intentions and goals firmly on my future timeline, and I have confidence in 2021 – at least in the things that I can control – namely ME.

2021 was so anticipated, we so wanted 2020 to be over, but if you have made no changes, set no new intentions, made no new plans, January 2021 isn’t going to look much different than December 2020.

The world around us continues to move, shift, and sometimes burn or shine, depending on your perspective.  It is how we react to all that is happening, and what we choose to do with the things we can personally change, that is going to impact how 2021 unfolds from here – FOR US.

Are you more stressed out about your future this year than last?  Stress comes, in part from feeling out of control.  The truth is that we, personally, cannot control the nation- or state-wide impact of the pandemic, or the political scene, or other people who think, act, value and believe differently that we do. 

If you are stressed over the things I just listed, give yourself a break.  You cannot control it, all you can do is worry about it, get upset about it, rant about it, and none of that will change it, and therefore, is of no use to you reaching the results you wish to see this year!  See it all as it is, understand your role in it, and let your emotional bond to it release! 

You are not fixing it by fixating on it!

 It will not be less important if you are not emotionally invested in it.  YOU, however WILL be changed – stress, illness, anxiety, toxic negative emotions, to just name a few, and all of that will STILL not change the situation.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to start opening your mind:

  1. What do you want to be different this year than last year?
  2. What part of that change is within your personal control?
  3. Of that which you have personal control, how much are you willing to invest in changing?
  4. What needs to change (that you can change)?
  5. Do you know what that change will look like when it is accomplished? – Do you have an image?
  6. What are the first 3 actions you can take toward that change?

If you take the time to think, even for just a few minutes on these questions, you might find that your stress reduces, your energy shifts or your mood lightens.  WHY?  Because the stressful feeling of “out of control” is no longer present when you are thinking of things that YOU CAN CONTROL.

Here is one more tip to ditch the stress and anxiety and fear:

Think of 1 thing (more is better) for which you are truly grateful or feel great love.  Something that conjures  deep and strong emotions within you.  It can be anything from the hug of a child, to the generosity of a neighbor, the love of a partner or even the memory of a joyful event.  Hold that image, emotion, and feeling of gratitude or love for 60 seconds. 

RESULT:  It is impossible for your brain to experience stress, anxiety, or fear while feeling deep gratitude, love or joy.

This is a tool you can use any time!  When ever you feel stressed, afraid, or anxious – switch to thinking something wonderful.  It is so much more that “positive thinking”  it is actually shifting your energy, and will bring a myriad of benefits along with it.  Try it and see.

2021 my be a new year, but to experience the NEW YEAR, you will need to make a plan to change the things you CAN change, and accept or let go of the things that you cannot change.

Wishing you happiness, love and gratitude throughout the year, and all the amazing results  you can imagine!

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