How I REWIRED My Brain!

How would you like to hear about some real concrete evidence, real time, and from someone you actually know, that this REWIRING stuff really works?

The Problem

Ok, so over the past few months I have been talking about my personal struggle with sleeping.  I have shared that for a very, very long time I have struggled with sleep – I’d lay awake for hours, no matter what time I’d go to bed — early, late, it didn’t matter. It was insane. 

You also know that using my creation of SLEEPBEATS (an audio program with specifically designed, tuned and modulated tones) I began to really sleep!  All NIGHT!  And I was dreaming!  Being able to reach REM state several times a night – EVERY NIGHT was miraculous to me!

Here is the really cool part – the way my brain was actually REWIRED for sleep! 

The Process:

I used SleepBeats every night for several weeks, enjoying a full 8 hours of healthy, natural sleep, each night.  The SleepBeats audio gently guided my brain through the various Brainwave States that make up restful, rejuvenating sleep.  After about a month or so of consistent use, I ventured a test… I intentionally didn’t use the audios to go to sleep. 

The Results

Here is where it gets cool!

You see, after about a month of TRAINING my brainwaves to follow the normal flow of the various sleep cycles, from Alpha, to Theta, to Delta, Deep Delta, then back up through the states to REM, and back down again – several times a night, my brain LEARNED how to do it on its own!  I began sleeping WITHOUT the audio and sleeping soundly, dreaming, waking up in the middle of the night, if necessary, then back to sleep right away! 

My brain had learned a NEW SKILL, it created new neural pathways to form a habit of restful and rejuvenating sleep!  I couldn’t TEACH it with drugs, with supplements, or with any conscious effort.  The teaching had to come from repetition of the actual task, and I had to be asleep to learn it. 

What RESULTS are you trying to achieve, that feel as elusive as my sleep?  Are you trying to “Will” it to happen, or “intend” it to happen?  When you think about having it, is there resistance, doubt or fear that come up for you?  That is your unconscious mind showing you a limiting belief, and THAT my friend is you clue of how to break through!

That is why I created the free Limitation Breakthrough, a chance to talk with me to discover how your blocks are showing up, and preventing you from achieving your Desires and your Results AND what you can do about it!  If that sounds like what you need to break through, grab your slot on the calendar NOW!


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