A brief story about creating change in life

einstein-thought energySo, for those of you who know me, you know that I use the law of attraction in my life to define my life.  Some days I am more successful at it than others.

For example a few years ago, I was surrounded with negative energy, disguised as people saying they were “positive people.”  I made the decision to step out of that energy, and begin showing up in life in a bigger way.   I focused on what I wanted, I started using affirmations that focused on what I wanted, and who I wanted to be, and I held the image against any “nay-sayers” or any obstacles.

Almost immediately things began to change.  Projects that had a global focus were handed to me, vendors and leaders began seeking me out, I was placed in positions of greater and greater exposure and responsibility, ultimately resulting in a promotion.  It was real thrill to experience such change toward what I had envisioned.

However, all these amazing changes took me, gradually, more and more away from coaching.  I had lost myself, my thoughts had gone off track.  I had completed a Life Plan to define what I felt my Life’s Purpose was a few years earlier, and of course coaching is where my real life purpose is. My friend, Michelle had recently watched the movie The Secret for the first time, and we had several conversations about it.  This caused me to think about my thought energy, what was I focusing on? I was inspired to return to my “teachers,” my law of attraction mentors and found myself listening to a recorded webinar I had attended nine years earlier.  At the end of the webinar, Bob Doyle said, “check out more information at my website.”  So, nine years later, I click on over to his website, and, what was the first thing I see?  “Become a Certified Law of Attraction Coach!”  Oh my!  From there, a series of inspired thought, coincidence and action brought me to an exciting decision – and I signed up!  Everything had fallen into place for me to be there at that moment, to read that posting, and to be there before the deadline!  But wait!  It gets better.  Two days later, at my “day job” my responsibilities are shifted (again), and this time it is toward a less visible, less demanding, less involved position.  Instead of being upset and angry (OK, after a few days of feeling upset and angry) I realized that this was a gift!  I was just given the opportunity to focus on my certification.  My life was indeed shifting again, toward my new path, the one I was holding firmly in my mind!

My point in this post, is to say that you can be tossed around by the waves in your life, or you can actually steer your boat in the direction you want!  AND you have to recognize the shifts that begin to appear in your life and realize their purpose toward your journey.  My friend calls it the Power of Repetition – when something comes to her attention repeatedly, say 2 or 3 times, she begins to realize that she should take notice, as she is supposed to do something.

Remember, whether you steer your own boat or if you let the waves carry you about hap-hazardously, you are going to go somewhere – wouldn’t you like to have a say in where that is?  Whether you believe in God, signs, inspiration, universe, source or intuition, when you are sent a message, don’t you think you should listen?


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