Unlocking your Natural Success Channel #2

dreambigClarifying your Dream

Allowing life to unfold by default is how 90% of the world lives.

Keep this in mind, your Natural Success Channel is working for you, everyday, bringing to you the things you focus on most – good, bad, on purpose or by default.

Every journey has a target destination.  If you do not know where you want to go, you wander aimlessly, happening on one experience and circumstance after another, which might be interesting, fun, even exciting, but in the end (or is there ever an end?), have you reached your dreams?

Imagine it this way, a stream in the woods follows along a path, undisturbed.  As natural events happen; rocks fall, trees fall, the water’s flow adapts changing paths to keep flowing.  If you wanted to divert this stream on purpose to another location (your goal or dream) you could begin to dig a new path, a little every day, towards your new location.  At first, the water wants to continue to flow as it always has, but the more you focus your efforts, digging deeper, moving rocks, impediments, blockages, some of the water will begin to flow down your new path.  Eventually, with enough repetition, enough focused effort and will, and the constant removal of blockages, the stream will create a new rhythm, establish new grooves, and the new path will take hold and the stream’s trajectory will be changed.

This is very similar to how you begin to take control of your own natural success channel:

  • Identify a new direction or goal
  • Begin making changes
  • Remove blockages, or limiting beliefs or thoughts
  • Dig deeper, change how you see yourself, change how you believe
  • Keep at it, be consistent
  • Allow your dream to unfold

As you can see, in the analogy and in this list above, you must start with a goal, a dream, a purpose, a desire, a passion, an obsession.  The stronger you feel about reaching this new ideal, the easier it will be to stay focused and consistent to make the changes you will make along the way.

So, what is it that you really, really want? AND, equally as important, WHY do you want it, and how will it make you feel, how will your world be rocked by its attainment?

Is the little voice in your head yelling at you?  Telling you, “you can’t have what you REALLY REALLY want, you aren’t that [smart, talented, rich, pretty, deserving, blessed, connected, lucky, good… fill in the blank]!”  Well, that is the first rock you have to move – your limiting belief about being able to dream big.  Your really big dreams are no more lofty than those of a young girl in rural Mississippi who wore potato sacks for clothing (literally) who dreamed big and became the richest and most powerful female media mogul in the world – Oprah.  Or a young woman, on welfare, who dreamed of becoming a famous writer, incorporating the dark elements of her own life – the loss of her mother and battle with depression – into her stories – thus was born J.K. Rowling.  Why are they different than you?  Only that they dared to dream big, believed in their dreams, held tight to the vision, and decided not to let their current life define their future.  These are things YOU can do, right now.

Some people know exactly what they want.  They can describe it down to the most minute detail.  Others have trouble finding their dream grain of sand on the vast beach of options.  For those folks, I have to tool to help you get started.  This is a free kick-start to help you start identifying what your life looks like today, what you have achieved in your life, and what are you the most proud of, what do you think your life will be like in 3 – 5 years, and what do you need to accomplish to get there.  It also helps you boil all that down to a strategic all encompassing life statement. You can download this free tool right now on the right of this page it is called “How to Change Your Future Now, with 6 Powerful Questions.” This is a free condensed version of the “Creating your own powerful self-directed Life Plan” I use with my coaching clients.

Once you have your Big Dream, your Life’s Purpose, your One True Desire, or you Big Ass Goal, take some focus time to follow these instructions:

  1. Write down your dream in very clear terms.
  2. Write every single detail that you can think of, to make it super clear – tastes, color, scents, how your body feels in this vision.  Get super clear about every detail.
  3. Write down exactly WHY you want to attain this dream, why is it important, how will your life be changed, and what does that mean?  Try to be specific.
  4. Write down how attaining this goal or dream will make you feel – what emotions or feelings will you have – pride, freedom, security, love, joy, etc.
  5. Spend some quiet, uninterrupted time, sitting with your “vision” and try to imagine living in that vision and feeling the feelings of having it.  See yourself walking through the house, sitting in the car, doing the job, having the career, enjoying dinner with your perfect partner, etc.  What do you see, feel, taste, smell?
  6. Feeling – this will be covered in more detail in another article, but for now, try to get into the feeling of what that feels like.

I hope you enjoy walking through these steps.  Embrace the experience of letting yourself dream a big, audacious, mind-blowing life.  For a little while, ignore the demeaning voices in your head telling you NO (duct tape it’s little mouth closed, if you have to!) Dreaming is free, so make it a good one!

In the next article, we will look at self-image, and why you don’t already have this dream life.  This will be another very powerful article.

See you soon!


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